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Danny Crone, Technical Director at nFocus “I am very fortunate to have spent time on many projects/products with lots of customers and so I wanted to write a series of articles to go through my experiences and what I have seen. This blog is the first in the series and will look at modern development, quality assurance and quality control.”

“Development today looks very different to years ago, with many organisations switching to the agile development methodology and it can feel like the whole world is moving very quickly. In reality, though, it’s the individuals who come up with ideas. Ideas that determine how an organisation and its projects develop. Where the agile methodology is better at allowing these individuals to pull the organisational ship in the right direction. 

Modern Development QA & QC

It’s these individual “tug boats” that are able to move around quickly that help change the directions of the big ships.

Agile together with emerging new technologies, techniques and practices are changing (I believe for the better) not only what software we produce but also how we produce it. Beware though, it is not all plain sailing.
agile software development dominates the software lifecycle these days; but I think people don’t…” [Download the white paper to read on].